
Aching hearts want something...more

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Our hearts, if not filled with the Holy Spirit, ache for something more and we look in all the wrong places for it. We make gods out of our material goods, hobbies, relationships, sex, masturbation, porn, TV, sports, sports figures, Hollywood, and Christian services. 

My heart wants something more. I want to be free of the desire of the things I have had or want. I know, I know I cannot fill the void I feel in my heart with any of these things. I must surrender to Jesus Christ and He will be glad to fill that void. Many a time, my relationship (which has never been stable or increasing in closeness) has been lukewarm and Christ says that He will spit out the lukewarm. Revelation 3:16 I've delved into consumerism, charity, and then Christian service in order to "feel good" and to "feel better." What good is it if it is not in line with God's will?? It isn't. My desire now is entire sanctification, to set myself apart, to chase after God's heart, and to let God use me. I do not want to miss out on the most that has been offered me, a home in Heaven, my own golden mansion and the privilege of worshiping the Most High for eternity.

The following are quotes and passages that I've come across in my readings that have to do with the aching heart:

"There is only One Being who can satisfy the last aching abyss of the human heart, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ." -Oswald Chambers

"We are half-hearted creatures fooling about with drink and sex and ambition [and religious effort] when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased." 
- C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

Detachment is the word used in spiritual traditions to describe freedom of desire. Not freedom from desire, but freedom of desire....An authentic spiritual understanding of the detachment devalues neither desire nor the objects of desire. Instead, it "aims at correcting one's own anxious grasping in order to free oneself for committed relationship to God." According to Meister Eckhart, detachment "enkindles the heart, awakens the spirit, stimulates our longings, and shows us where God is. " -Gerald May, Addiction and Grace

Yet dearly I love you and would be loved fain;
But am betrothed unto your enemy;
Divorce me, untie or break that knot again,
Take me to you, imprison me, for I, 
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.
-poem by John Donne, "Batter My Heart"

What indulgent lovers [of addictions and personal gods] have in common is the pursuit of transcendence through some gratification that is under their control. (emphasis added by me).
-Brent Curtis, Sacred Romance

If we try to gain transcendence through indulgence, soon enough familiarity breeds contempt and we are driven to search for mystery elsewhere. The man having an affair must have another and the man who is an alcoholic must drink more and more to find the window of feeling good.
-Brent Curtis, Sacred Romance

Addiction is the most powerful psychic enemy of humanity's desire for God. -Gerald May, Addiction and Grace

There are more, but I thought I'd end with one last quote from the Author Himself.
Face the awful sins you have done.
You are like a restless female camel desperately
searching for a mate.
You are like a wild donkey,
sniffing the wind at mating time.
Who can restrain her lust?
Those who desire her don't need to search,
for she goes running to them!
When will you stop panting after other gods?
But you say, 'Save your breath. I'm in love with these foreign gods,
and I can't stop loving them now!'
Jeremiah 2:23c-25 NLT

Like Israel, we have fed our desire. A desire that has been placed in our hearts by God Himself. Except only that we have fed our desire with the wrong things and we are quick to betray God and turn our backs to Him when we know what we truly desire, an intimate relationship with Him, as Adam and Eve had before the Fall. 
God Bless.



I am going to read Jeremiah and study it. I feel led to study that book. 

What are some things you have learned from reading this book? 
What are some things you can point me to that you think will help me in my walk with Jesus?

I will post a few things up here as I cover the book. I would really appreciate any feedback!

God bless. Have a wonderful day.


Divine Direction

The Godly need divine direction or else they will stray. Many times, we all make impulsive decisions or react rashly without thinking or praying. This can create grief and regrets. Asking for divine direction will lead us straight and true and will be very rewarding, either now or later.

In the case of David and his army's men whose homes had been plundered and burned by the Amalekites in Ziklag, their wives and children captured, it is easy for the men to rage against their leader, David, and for David to revenge his men because of his loss. David instead asked the Lord for divine direction on what to do next. The Lord gave specific instructions on how to destroy the Amalekites and to retrieve their plundered goods and their wives and children. They had the victory! David listened to God.

Asking for divine direction is the best thing to do in all situations. I am learning a little bit about this. I have not sought divine direction in many situations and have taken them into my own hands. I end up in more trouble than before by acting impulsively or rashly and that's when I start asking God. Whoa. Only asking God when I get myself into a mess? It's not the way to go. I know it well, but I am selfish. I want to control my life and I want to do what I want to do. I have been like this for much of my life and I don't have very much experience in asking for divine direction.

Typical? Yes. It's the culture. It's the American way of life. It is also the worldly way, but it is very emphasized and marketed in America. Nike's "Just do it" slogan says it all. Burger King's "Have it your way" slogan says it all. Well, I don't want it anymore. I want to be a part of a bigger story, the story that God wrote for me. I am not my own author, but God. He has the big picture and my picture or story I try to write for myself is just an itty-bitty part of it. I feel lost in this little picture I have for myself. Of course, I'll never see the big picture. Faith will just have to do while He leads me, weaving my life into a beautiful love story, which is the intimate relationship with Him. All else will fall into place perfectly.

We stumble through life trying to make a story, wondering why we are here, what our purpose is and how the pieces are supposed to fit together. Try watching a movie by starting in at 20 minutes and stopping at 20 minutes before the end. You wouldn't get the big picture, just a part of it. This is what happens when we write our own stories instead of letting the Author, God, do it. Better yet, He already has your story all written out even before you were wonderfully made in the womb! He wants you to live out that story, if YOU'LL JUST LET HIM orchestrate your life.

So, I want to let Him. It is a battle of the flesh and it is difficult at times to let myself go. My intelligence tells me I can take care of myself and that I can do it. But my faith must be stronger and more child-like. I must become like a child in my mind and say, "I can't do it. I need you to help me Father." God absolutely delights in this! He delights in helping me, I'm sure and I just believe that I am never too much for Him to handle, especially with some of the messes I've been or I've made of myself. He delights in straightening me out and helping me out of the miry clay. He is LOVE, He can't help it. He'll do it, no matter what.

I mentioned in my last post that I would be writing on divine direction. I'm glad I stuck to my word. I wanted to write about divine direction because of the situation I'm in with my house. I wanted to do the right thing. I wanted to make sure it was the voice of God speaking to me, guiding me in all steps. I am glad to have this divine direction and it seems that all will turn out good. It's taking time and it seems slow, but it is being done in God's perfect timing. I had actually prayed that the house will be sold and out of my hands, but it looks like I may have the house in my name for six months more and up to a year at the most, but I am trusting God. Mr. Grimes, the broker, has mentioned a couple of times that they way it is being handled is helping both parties, the buyers and I, financially in these hard economic times, so it has been a blessing. The rent the buyers are paying before acquiring a mortgage goes towards the purchase of the home and I will simply let them take over the loan or they will buy for principal amount. No haggling or negotiating the market price. Simple.

Thank you, Lord. I need more divine direction and you know I will be asking you! I know you delight in directing me in your story and that you delight in rewarding me during the story and in the end. Amen.


More answers to prayer

God still answers prayer! I thank Him! I have received more good news about my house. If you haven't read my original post about praying about my house, you can read it here:

Photos of my house are attached.

I had prayed that the interested buyers would want the home and that they would be able to buy it outright and I would be free of the house. The answer to prayer was close. Here is the email I received from Mr. Grimes:

HI Guys

Well the couple i spoke about went and looked at the ouse this weekend. They love it. They have a 10 month old little girl. They would like to see about buying the house close to the terms that the Gambles did. On one different condition. They have a letter from Huntington Bank that is stating they are about 6 months out on getting a loan. I know you may be a little gun shy, but in this market, it could help out both of you. They are still willing to pay for the house where in todays market, you may have to drop the price down quite a bit. Let me know your thoughts and hopefully we can move forward. On a different note, i have never sold a house twice and not get paid. LOL I hope this works for both parties. Thanks Jim

I responded:

Jim, This sounds good to me! When will they be ready to move in? Do we need to meet?

Sent from my iPhone

And Mr. Grimes replied:

They are ready. To go. Let me draw up some papers n see if u like it. I will arrange a meeting. Maybe within next couple of days. Let meKnow your schedule. Thanks jim

Jim Grimes. Sent from my iPhone

I am so thankful! Although I will still have to keep the house in my name and hope the market will not fluctuate by too much. No less than the terms of contract or more than the contract! I would lose if it went down and I would lose any profit if it went up!

I have also received the written contract and all looks good. I will receive first payment on March 1 and they are ready to move in. They are the most friendly people I've worked with. Mr. Grimes is a sheriff who does brokering on the side and Mr. Gamble who has lived with his wife and newborn child in my house since December 2010 is a cop as well. I am sorry that they were not able to acquire a mortgage; they weren't ready. I pray they will be able to find a home and acquire a mortgage within a year. They are moving into an apartment meanwhile.

Please pray for me. I will be meeting with them and signing the contact. Right now, I need divine direction. Speaking of divine direction, I have a draft saved. I will publish it when I am done with it. Come back soon!

Your thoughts?

What are your thoughts? A comment here and there would be much appreciated! I am so far from infallible in my understanding of some things. Once again, I try to apply I Thess. 5:17 NLT, "Never stop praying." and ask the Lord to help me understand what I read in my daily devotions.

And as part of my healing that I mentioned a few posts earlier, my greatest desire is to make it to Heaven and the following Scripture tells everyone how one may see the Lord in Heaven and to look out for everyone:

Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. (Hebrews 12:14, 15 NLT)

God bless and have a graceful day!


Temptations and Honey

When I first came across this passage, I couldn't quite make a clear, concise understanding of it. Here, read this. It was penned by John Bunyan in 1905 in his Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners:

"Temptations, when we meet them at first, are as a lion that roared upon Samson; but if we overcome them, the next time we see them, we shall find a nest of honey within them."

What? The first thing that comes to my mind is, when we meet temptations, it can be unexpected, it can be fierce, it can be powerful, but if we dwell on the power of Jesus' blood and the power of quoting Scripture to resist Satan, we can destroy it.

Samson, while walking to a city to capture a maiden's heart, was attacked by a lion and used his bare hands to tear apart the lion's jaws and killed it. Upon returning, the lion's carcass was home to a swarm of bees in a hive filled with honey. Samson treats himself to this sweet, savory honey, possibly saying, "I have eaten thereof myself, and am much refreshed thereby."

So what does the passage mean that we should find a nest of honey the next time we meet with what would most likely be the same temptation, if not a new one? What is the nest of honey within the temptation that we meet again, after destroying it the first time?

One thing that comes to my mind, after thinking a bit, is the growing wholeness and strength of ourselves after we have met temptation and destroyed it. Should we meet the temptation again, and resist and destroy it again, we can see that we are become more whole, become more like Christ, who Himself was tempted thrice in the wilderness by Satan. We become stronger, too. The sweetness of grace, mercy, and love of God who gave His Son to save us is what we taste. This sweet grace is far more than enough to cover the sins we've committed and is above the power of Satan's temptations.

Does this make sense? I am not sure myself. I do know that there are many references to temptations and how it makes us stronger each time we meet and defeat it.

Enlighten me, please, with any thoughts, opinions, or musings. Perhaps we only need a child's simple answer.



Upon reading an encouraging blog of a friend, I decided to concentrate on this passage he mentioned from Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis:

The real Son of God is at your side. He is beginning to turn you into the same kind of thing as Himself. He is beginning...to turn the tin soldier into a live man. The part of you that does not like it is the part that is still tin...Put it right out of your head the idea that these are only fancy ways of saying that Christians are to read what Christ said and try to carry it out - as a man may read what Plato or Marx said and try to carry it out. They mean something much more than that. They mean that a real Person, Christ, here and now, in that very room where you are saying your prayers, is doing things to you...It is a living Man, still as much a man as you, and still as much God as He was when he created the world, really coming and interfering with your very self; killing the old natural self in you and replacing it with the kind of self He has.

Pretty awesome. I want this. I want to let Him do this to me. I need give of myself to Him. I want to sing:

I'm to far from where I started
And too close to where I'm going,
To think of ever turning around;
For my eyes are fixed on Jesus
And I love this narrow way,
This old world holds no attraction,
I'm Heaven bound.

Jesus, I need you. I need you to help me to give more of myself to you. I cannot hold to anything of this world; it is all worthless. I want to build treasures in Heaven and to spend eternity with you and I ask that you transform me to be more like you! Help me and encourage me on this: My time here on earth is just a passing; I am here only to serve my purpose you have for me. What greater reward is there than to spend eternity with you? Thank you for what you have done for me though I deserve none of it. Amen.



It is faith. Faith is what makes you right with God. I know I am right with God. Why? Because I simply believe in God, in who He says He is, and in what He says He will do.

It's hard to understand sometimes, especially when you don't know the facts or details. We can't see the whole picture, but I'm glad I don't have too. It would be to difficult!

My church attendance, tithing, and adhering to standards of holiness aren't what makes me right with God, it is my relationship with Him, my faith in Him.

It is proved here: And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith. (Genesis 15:6 NLT)

Father in Heaven, I pray that you will be with me as I begin a new week. I ask you to walk with me in my journey of healing and to help me increase my faith in you by showing me your miraculous works. Amen!


God answers a prayer

This morning, after I settled into bed, I began to pray for a few things. One was my house. I had been told by a Mr. Grimes, the one who wrote up the rental contract for the family living in my house, that he has a few interested buyers for my house. I had emailed him the night before:

Hello Jim,

I have recieved my last payment from the Gambles. It was only half for the last half of February. They also left a very nice note. I am sorry that it didn't work out for them.

I understand that Woodrow is working with you on finding a buyer for the home. I am glad that you are being proactive in this. Just let me know what you need at any time. I plan on moving back into the house temporarily for insurance purposes and for however long needed til a buyer buys the home.

Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting with you and the interested buyers.
Have a great weekend.

Stanley Lashley Jr

Well, that is what I wrote. After I finished my prayers, I rolled over and tried to sleep. My mind wouldn't let me. Thinking too much. I finally turned over, picked up my phone and checked my email. There was a response from Mr. Grimes:

HI Stanley

It just so happens, I met with some buyers last night and they are going over to look at the house this weekend. Hopefully you do not have to move in.

Respectfully Deputy James Grimes

Praise God! I was not really wanting to keep the house for another few months even though it could mean that I would have my own space for a while. I am just praying that the buyers are interested and will buy the house!

The power of prayer is still very effective. Try it if you don't do it as I Thess. 5:17 NLT says to do it, "Never stop praying."


Prayer!! It works!!

Yeah, we all know we need to pray, but do we do it enough?? Even for the smallest things? Or just when we mess up, we turn to God then? Nay. I Thess. 5:17 NLT "Never stop praying."

It's only been a couple days now but it is the first thing I do when I wake. It is what I do while I shower. It is what I do when I wash dishes. I try to make a habit of simply just communicating with God. If communication is the most important thing in our human relationships, why not make it the ultimate in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ??

I feel more peaceful in my heart, even when things aren't so peaceful on the outside, the world. I want the joy. I desire true joy and I will get it!!

I specifically asked the Lord to help me with my frustration and anger issues. I seem to run low on tolerance for these two. I need to bring these under control and allow an outlet for these. The outlet is prayer and God. Give your troubles and frustrations to Him, He is a great buffer. Psalm 37:8 NLT says "Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper--it only leads to harm."

Lord, I pray that you will be with me. I ask you to help me keep my temper in control and to help me realize that I have no control over most situations and that all is in your control! Thank you, Lord. Amen.


Radical and healing

Radical. Change. Radical change. I'm ready for it. I will go through with it. I will lean on Jesus for power. I had a recent talk with someone and that person pointed me in a direction that was sure to help me to start some healing. I had asked Jesus for healing and I am thankful that He has started me on that path. I cannot and will not let go of Him. I will resist the one and only Satan and he will flee from me. May God be with me as I begin this journey. Pray for me brothers and sisters in Christ.