
More answers to prayer

God still answers prayer! I thank Him! I have received more good news about my house. If you haven't read my original post about praying about my house, you can read it here:

Photos of my house are attached.

I had prayed that the interested buyers would want the home and that they would be able to buy it outright and I would be free of the house. The answer to prayer was close. Here is the email I received from Mr. Grimes:

HI Guys

Well the couple i spoke about went and looked at the ouse this weekend. They love it. They have a 10 month old little girl. They would like to see about buying the house close to the terms that the Gambles did. On one different condition. They have a letter from Huntington Bank that is stating they are about 6 months out on getting a loan. I know you may be a little gun shy, but in this market, it could help out both of you. They are still willing to pay for the house where in todays market, you may have to drop the price down quite a bit. Let me know your thoughts and hopefully we can move forward. On a different note, i have never sold a house twice and not get paid. LOL I hope this works for both parties. Thanks Jim

I responded:

Jim, This sounds good to me! When will they be ready to move in? Do we need to meet?

Sent from my iPhone

And Mr. Grimes replied:

They are ready. To go. Let me draw up some papers n see if u like it. I will arrange a meeting. Maybe within next couple of days. Let meKnow your schedule. Thanks jim

Jim Grimes. Sent from my iPhone

I am so thankful! Although I will still have to keep the house in my name and hope the market will not fluctuate by too much. No less than the terms of contract or more than the contract! I would lose if it went down and I would lose any profit if it went up!

I have also received the written contract and all looks good. I will receive first payment on March 1 and they are ready to move in. They are the most friendly people I've worked with. Mr. Grimes is a sheriff who does brokering on the side and Mr. Gamble who has lived with his wife and newborn child in my house since December 2010 is a cop as well. I am sorry that they were not able to acquire a mortgage; they weren't ready. I pray they will be able to find a home and acquire a mortgage within a year. They are moving into an apartment meanwhile.

Please pray for me. I will be meeting with them and signing the contact. Right now, I need divine direction. Speaking of divine direction, I have a draft saved. I will publish it when I am done with it. Come back soon!

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