

It is faith. Faith is what makes you right with God. I know I am right with God. Why? Because I simply believe in God, in who He says He is, and in what He says He will do.

It's hard to understand sometimes, especially when you don't know the facts or details. We can't see the whole picture, but I'm glad I don't have too. It would be to difficult!

My church attendance, tithing, and adhering to standards of holiness aren't what makes me right with God, it is my relationship with Him, my faith in Him.

It is proved here: And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith. (Genesis 15:6 NLT)

Father in Heaven, I pray that you will be with me as I begin a new week. I ask you to walk with me in my journey of healing and to help me increase my faith in you by showing me your miraculous works. Amen!

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