
God answers a prayer

This morning, after I settled into bed, I began to pray for a few things. One was my house. I had been told by a Mr. Grimes, the one who wrote up the rental contract for the family living in my house, that he has a few interested buyers for my house. I had emailed him the night before:

Hello Jim,

I have recieved my last payment from the Gambles. It was only half for the last half of February. They also left a very nice note. I am sorry that it didn't work out for them.

I understand that Woodrow is working with you on finding a buyer for the home. I am glad that you are being proactive in this. Just let me know what you need at any time. I plan on moving back into the house temporarily for insurance purposes and for however long needed til a buyer buys the home.

Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting with you and the interested buyers.
Have a great weekend.

Stanley Lashley Jr

Well, that is what I wrote. After I finished my prayers, I rolled over and tried to sleep. My mind wouldn't let me. Thinking too much. I finally turned over, picked up my phone and checked my email. There was a response from Mr. Grimes:

HI Stanley

It just so happens, I met with some buyers last night and they are going over to look at the house this weekend. Hopefully you do not have to move in.

Respectfully Deputy James Grimes

Praise God! I was not really wanting to keep the house for another few months even though it could mean that I would have my own space for a while. I am just praying that the buyers are interested and will buy the house!

The power of prayer is still very effective. Try it if you don't do it as I Thess. 5:17 NLT says to do it, "Never stop praying."

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