
Prayer!! It works!!

Yeah, we all know we need to pray, but do we do it enough?? Even for the smallest things? Or just when we mess up, we turn to God then? Nay. I Thess. 5:17 NLT "Never stop praying."

It's only been a couple days now but it is the first thing I do when I wake. It is what I do while I shower. It is what I do when I wash dishes. I try to make a habit of simply just communicating with God. If communication is the most important thing in our human relationships, why not make it the ultimate in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ??

I feel more peaceful in my heart, even when things aren't so peaceful on the outside, the world. I want the joy. I desire true joy and I will get it!!

I specifically asked the Lord to help me with my frustration and anger issues. I seem to run low on tolerance for these two. I need to bring these under control and allow an outlet for these. The outlet is prayer and God. Give your troubles and frustrations to Him, He is a great buffer. Psalm 37:8 NLT says "Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper--it only leads to harm."

Lord, I pray that you will be with me. I ask you to help me keep my temper in control and to help me realize that I have no control over most situations and that all is in your control! Thank you, Lord. Amen.

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