
Abortion and Justice Ride, my trip.

     In a few days, I will be embarking on a trip that will probably change my life. Hopefully for the better. I will be going on "Justice Ride", a trip made by a team of dedicated members fighting for the lives of the unborn. It is organized by Mark Harrington and Seth Drayer of Created Equal (link). Here is the flyer for Justice Ride: Justice Ride Flyer (.pdf)

     Pretty neat, isn't it? It's also pretty serious. It's not to be taken lightly. We realize that the wry devil will fight us from all sides and that we will definitely need to lean on the power of prayer. Not only on our own but also on the prayers of many supporting us, so please pray for me and my team this weekend and next week. Take a moment to pray. It may seem a trivial matter, but considering that 53 millions lives were ended abruptly in this manner, it is a big deal. In Germany, if you were to deny the Holocaust, you most likely *WILL* be thrown in jail. Here, it's just mosey along past the abortion clinic, no big deal; it's just a choice. This is the modern day American Holocaust on the soil of the greatest country in the history of the world.

     Abortion is an abhorrent sin, an evil that is unknowingly tolerated by a majority who don't realize the seriousness of this issue. It is murder. In the daily news, we hear about suspects and murderers being arrested and sent to jail or going to trial for possible conviction. Likewise should be done to you if you were to support, in any way, abortion, or "choice". Likewise also, if you were to commit the sin of omission; that is, to not pray, to not take action, or to not support the fight against abortion. There is so much detail I could go into, but the post then would be too long. I will just post a video that I VERY HIGHLY recommend you watch. It is only 33 minutes long (hey, we have no problem watching a 2 hour movie riddled with sinful acts highly praised by Hollywood and the world). It is from the website www.180movie.com and this is similar to what we will be doing. We will encounter these kind of people and we pray that we can change their minds about abortion, or rather, simply, the MURDER of a people. Yes, the live fetuses in the wombs are a PEOPLE, just like us adults! You can also "Like" their Facebook page: 180Movie. Here is the video:

     I am going to do my best to keep you updated on my trip. You may see more updates and more photos uploaded via my Facebook or via Twitter @Caffieecionado. In the meantime, I ask you to pray fervently for all causes you can think of, including this one. We will be traveling over 2,000 miles in vans and staying at multiple homes and provided housing on college campuses and churches. We will have God with us and He will keep His hand on all of us and keep us safe. I have faith and I trust Him. 

Until next post. God bless. 

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