
The sun...

I keep looking into the sun. I find it mesmerizing. At least it's safer than looking into the actual sun. A great ball of fire suspended on some clouds, like a pearl on the meat in an opened oyster. Beatuiful, but worth far less than the price Jesus paid for our sins.

A lone tree and a streetlight. My mind wanders to the scroll-scratching pen writings of Biblical authors of old. Paul, John, and Peter, for example, sitting by a candlelight in physcial loneliness, but in great companionship with the great Author, writing letters lovingly to the new Christians, encouraging them to live as Christ lived, never failing in faith in God and love for one another, edifying one another, so that they may, one sweet, glorious day, be together in Heaven worshipping the Holy One for eternity.


Mistakes in the past...

Here's something that helped me recently to let go of my mistakes I've made in the past and bad experiences. I've looked at my mistakes and reminded myself of them constantly, thinking that I couldn't get over them. But I've learned that I can and that I can apply them to the present and to the future. This is from a devtional that I recieve weekly from www.newlivingtranslation.com

by The Afters

It's so hard to admit, I know, we've made mistakes
I see through all the tears, but that's what got us here

Each of us have things in our life that have brought us joy and made us happy. Times that we felt successful. But we also have stuff that we regret. Decisions we wish we hadn't made. Experiences that were painful. But those things have made us into the people we are today.

Everything that has happened to us shaped who we are and how they can use us. Everything. God has promised to use all of our experiences, the good and the bad, for His good. Your experiences give you an unique perspective to reach out to others in similar circumstances.

Maybe you have experienced a divorce, either yours or your parent's--you can use that experience to comfort others in the midst of a failing marriage. Maybe you've had cancer. Cancer is a bad thing, but you can reach out to others struggling with disease to offer them joy and friendship while they go through an uncertain time. Maybe you were bullied as a kid. That's one of the most damaging things a child can experience, but you can use your experience of rejection and pain to reach out to other kids who are picked on. Don't allow the painful experiences of your life go to waste; use them for good.

2 Corinthians 1:4-6

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ. Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer.

Hope this will help/encourage you.

God bless.


It's been a while...but what can I say? I hate to write.

But I like to think. So, more thoughts here. Rather simple.

I think summer has been too cool. As is my spritiual fire. I've let it go down to embers recently. I've got to stoke the fire; bring the flames back up. Fresh logs, twigs, and anything I want to burn to quench the evil that keeps creeping back in my soul. I usually don't notice it at first, but evil slowly comes back in, and surely; if I don't watch out, it takes over. I can't let it take over.

I bring out the Bible. I like to read the New Living Translation. That helps to stoke the fire and it starts to burn more brightly and the evil (trash) starts to burn. I like that. I like to watch things burn in the fire; I am mesmerized by the flames licking the logs, twigs, and the paper plates and cups that people throw in after they are done eating hot dogs and hamburgers. They disappear; evil disappears. My soul is clean. Refreshed. I'm at peace. Nothing better than that feeling. Read An Unexpected Hope, by Roger C. Palms.

Point is, don't let evil take over. Keep the fire stoked and burning brightly with the holiness of God. He wants to be a part of your life. Let Him.

I hope to update my blog more often, but with shorter messages.