

I found this in my Notes on my phone. I thought I'd share it. I don't think I've shared it and I cannot remember where I read this, but I wanted to share it with you. This is something I think about, especially since I work with or am around many kids. My two nephews, my two second cousins, and the kids in the day Christian school I volunteer at. Here it is:

Be Worthy of Imitation

The Thessalonians were converted to Christ not only because of the words of Paul and his men but also because of the example of their lives.

It is important to remember that the world is watching us as followers of Christ. We have been called to be the salt and light of the earth.

Jesus admonished us to let our lights shine brightly before men so that they may praise God for our good works. God's intention is not to give you fame that brings no glory to His name.

A life worthy of imitation is one that is surrendered to be used as a tool in the hands of God, to display His awesome power and glory.

What do people see when they see you?If someone walked in your shoes for 24 hours, what would they learn about Christ?

Living a life worthy of imitation is to be mindful that you are representatives of Christ to those around you. You can only reflect what or who you are facing. You must focus your attention on Christ and imitate Him. Let your words, actions and behavior emulate the One who calls you His ambassador.

Your footprints on the moon should lead the world to your source, your focus and your example; Jesus Christ.

Turning point

I've been miserable. Depressed.

It's because it's been busy at work. And I've been lonely at home. 

Work is mundane. I have a whole three bedroom house to myself.

Mundane makes me irritable. Having no company makes me think no one cares.

Irritability just makes me have a bad attitude about work. And being home alone.

I bring it home and sulk alone in my house, all night, til I'm tired enough to sleep.

I then sleep all day. I've missed a lot of the summer and I'm missing the wonderful weather now. I've also wasted a lot of hours that could have been spent productively (and there's plenty to do!!) or visiting family.

Time to change things up. And get accountability.

Instead of sulking at home, I've decided to USE that time, rather than waste it watching Netflix or eating junk. I've already been going to the gym, but it isn't everyday that I go. So other things have to fill in that time. I've decided to start reading the Bible or related devotional material. I've decided to just talk to God. I've decided to rebuild my relationship with Him.

I read something in an issue of Our Daily Bread.

If being "religious" means following a set of rules so we can look good---instead of enjoying a relationship with the Savior---Jesus isn't interested.

Granted, He isn't. Nope.

He said, taken from Our Daily Bread as well, "outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside [they] are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness" of the Pharisees in Matt. 23:28. They didn't have the love of God in their hearts (John 5:42). Jesus wanted a relationship with them, but they were "not willing to come to [Him]" (v. 40)

True religion is to know
The love that Christ imparts;
True religion is to show
This love to burdened hearts. 
-D. DeHaan

These things being said, and I'm saying all these things to myself, that I forget to take the time to have a relationship with Jesus. I may do many good things and I may refrain from doing bad things, but all that effort does nothing. I remind myself of the grace imparted to me from God and it is only that, that keeps us in our salvation. So I'm getting back on track. Funny that we keep falling off, but granted, we have SO MANY things that distract us. Do you text and drive? I do. I know, I know, it's dangerous. But yeah, I cross the line, I drift into the shoulder and hit the "BbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBb" of the rumble strip. Yeah, but my "safety net" is that I usually text when traffic is clear. So, that's going off the track because of my distraction with the phone. I think that most of you know what I mean. Modern day is so full of them. The devil loves to use them against me and I give in. A lot. And waste a lot of time.

So, in changing it up or reaching a turning point, I'm starting new and doing what I mentioned above. Also I'm starting to...blog! Yes. I like it. It's ok. Maybe I'll be a grain of salt to someone. A beacon of light. Encouragement. I dunno. We'll see.

Also, I'm learning something new too. Something productive. It doesn't hurt to at least learn about it, if not be a part of it. Forex trading. More on this later. But it's interesting! I like numbers anyway. And jargon.

Right now, I'm at work and this blogging IS the distraction from my job. Oops. Oh, well. We've been SO busy, we lab techs deserve a little bit of slow times before it gets busy again.

I want this t-shirt.

I want this too. The adrenaline rush of speed gets beat by nothing. At least for me.
Good night, ya all. 

Stanley Jr.