

I found this in my Notes on my phone. I thought I'd share it. I don't think I've shared it and I cannot remember where I read this, but I wanted to share it with you. This is something I think about, especially since I work with or am around many kids. My two nephews, my two second cousins, and the kids in the day Christian school I volunteer at. Here it is:

Be Worthy of Imitation

The Thessalonians were converted to Christ not only because of the words of Paul and his men but also because of the example of their lives.

It is important to remember that the world is watching us as followers of Christ. We have been called to be the salt and light of the earth.

Jesus admonished us to let our lights shine brightly before men so that they may praise God for our good works. God's intention is not to give you fame that brings no glory to His name.

A life worthy of imitation is one that is surrendered to be used as a tool in the hands of God, to display His awesome power and glory.

What do people see when they see you?If someone walked in your shoes for 24 hours, what would they learn about Christ?

Living a life worthy of imitation is to be mindful that you are representatives of Christ to those around you. You can only reflect what or who you are facing. You must focus your attention on Christ and imitate Him. Let your words, actions and behavior emulate the One who calls you His ambassador.

Your footprints on the moon should lead the world to your source, your focus and your example; Jesus Christ.

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