
You need to lose your life!!

Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. (Mark 8:34, 35 NLT)

If you want to follow Jesus, you must lose your life. Not physically, no. But the life you've made for yourself. That life does not matter. It will most likely not be fulfilling, or joyful. Only that joy will come from losing your life you've made for yourself and picking up the cross and following Jesus. He will tell you what your life is and what you will do in it. He will form your complete identity which is totally different from the identity we mold for ourselves through the life we make for ourselves. Yes, we have our personalities and an unique makeup that make us who we are but it is not our complete identity. Our identity is complete only in Jesus and the life we make by following His commands. Guess what? The life we make for ourselves ends. Ends at physical death, so we have really lived for nothing and for eternity in hell. If we live in Jesus and have our complete identity in Him, our life begins anew when we die to the world and it's offerings and that life continues for eternity in heaven after physical death. We will have then lived for everything!! Totally different packages. Both expensive. One requires you to pay the price upfront, the other doesn't require payment until later. Pick the right one. You will know if you picked the right one because you will not be sorry and it will never be "It was a mistake." ~SLashleyJr

We must decrease ourselves in order to have Jesus to increase in us.

I posted this from my phone. It is short and sweet. A reminder to myself and to all who read this. Also a message to those who need it and want something more in their lives. Enjoy.

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