
Been busy...

To those who enjoy reading my blog,

Sorry for not posting in a while. I having done most of my blogging while at work when things were slow or in bits of free time that I get.

New processes have been developed and new chemicals are being made. More samples have been coming to the lab and it gets busier. Problems arise with new processes and chemicals, so problems are not few. When I'm alone in the lab, this is difficult and busier.

So, I hope to be blogging again soon on a regular basis. I would love to get a new laptop someday soon so I can blog while at home. I have tried blogging on my iPad, but many things and functions on Blogger app are askew, so I can't. And my iPhone, obviously, is way too small to blog a long post.

Bear with me and pray for me!! I have been asking for grace and patience at work, so pray that I have both of these!

Love you all.


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