
Sen. Mark Rubio's quote on Life

"There is nothing that America can give this world right now more important than to show that all life -- irrespective of the circumstances of its creation, irrespective of the circumstances of its birth, irrespective of the conditions of that they find themselves in -- all life, in a planet where life is increasingly not valued, in a planet where people are summarily discarded, all life is worthy of protection. All life enjoys God's love."
-as quoted by Sen. Mark Rubio on "The Left's War on Babies". It received standing ovation.
Now the Left has called Rubio's quote his "war on women".
Here is the article the quote came from: The Left's War on Babies

It's sick. For those of you who think Obama is stupid or faltering as President, he isn't. He knows exactly what he is doing. He simply wants Socialism in this country and he's doing a great job at it. We aren't fighting it hard enough or are simpley ignorant and allowing it to happen. People need to wake up and smell the sewage, but then again, don't you think we deserve it? For the evils we have committed as a country? We've shoved God out of the picture and this is what happens. Need proof? It is written again and again in the Old Testament. Israel turned her back on the Lord and they received the wrath as punishment. When she turned to God, He blessed her and prospered her. He will do likewise here in America if we turn back to Him and follow Him in obedience. We need REVIVAL! In the meantime, let's pray for those who aren't able to stand up for themselves and let's stand up for them!

Then Asa cried out to the Lord his God, "O LORD, no one but you can help the powerless against the mighty! Help us, O LORD our God, for we trust in you alone. It is in your name that we have come against this vast horde, O LORD, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you!"
~2 Chronicles 14:11 NLT
This is one of the Scriptures in a long list of Scriptures I was emailed by Paula Harrington, wife of Mark Harrington, director of Created Equal. She advised us Justice Riders to go over the Scripture and pray over each of one in preparation of the trip we are making. The Scripture she listed provides reminders and encouragement that God is in control and that He will be with us. I remind myself of Jeremiah who doubted his ability to send the message to his people. The Lord asked Jeremiah who made his mouth and the Lord reminded Jeremiah that He himself made his mouth and will put the words in his mouth. I have asked the Lord to work through me and to speak through me and that I am His.

God bless.

Love you all.

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