
The Passionate Christian

What Makes A Passionate Christian?

An excellent sermon read by Stanley Lashley Jr and is mostly for his application to his life. You may do likewise. Only if you are willing to be on fire for God. The sermon isn't word for word, but a rewriting with additions.

Taken from Philippians 1:21-30

Apostle Paul says "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." These are words to literally live and die by. It is a personal expression, a very vulnerable expression of the heart of Paul as he spent his time in prison. While living his lowliest life, he was most passionate.
In effect, he was saying "My life only has meaning in that I am in Christ Jesus!"
The very essence of EXISTENCE itself is Jesus Christ. It is not a concept. It is not a doctrine. It is not a philosophical axiom. It is but a person.

This is what it truly means to live a passionate Christian life, completely defined by Christ to the point that even death becomes a means of greater intimacy with the One who loved us and gave himself up for us. The passionate Christian life is a life lived with a holy obsession with Jesus Christ.

The Wesleyan doctrine. This is the doctrine of my church--the holiness, conservative church. We base our beliefs on many writings and sermons of John Wesley and we live by them. From them come standards and rules that we live by in the name of conservatism. While there isn't anything wrong with being conservative, we must remember that it is not what makes one a Christian. This does not give an excuse, though, to live loosely, on the edge, playing with the fires of hell. What I'm saying here is that we should not live for a doctrine, but rather Jesus and Jesus only. No one person or one written doctrine can save us, only Jesus. We give ourselves up to Him and the Holy Spirit and let Him guide our lives. It is the only way we exist and we only exist to die so that we may gain--intimacy with Jesus and a home in Heaven! 
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

As much as I believe in and love the Wesleyan doctrine and other writings that expose the truth of the Word, I would not die for a doctrine. I would not die for a concept. But I would die for the person who gave up his life for me and loves me so much that I can be free from sin, past, present, and future.

The Western culture's Christians, by a large number, do not experience the Christian life as a passion, but rather a life not defined by passion. It is a myriad of competing appetites, desires, and drives.
People are floating in a miscellany of different desires and drives to amass wealth or material goods, to experience some titillating excitement, or indulge in some fleeting pleasure. They float in a stew of stresses, anxieties, and demands: work, family life, health issues, so that when it becomes unbearable, God becomes the last resort to be used for help with problems.  
Many people attend the local church, but do not join it because they have no passion for Jesus Christ.
People have a passion for "tomorrow." They worry or have a drive for what will happen in the future, when the kids are grown and gone, when they graduate, when they retire, where they will build dream homes. These are fantasies promulgated by Satan to distract us from the present moment which is all we are truly given. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, but today.  
A reason many people do not join the local church is their passion for material possessions. Nothing wrong with these possessions, but when the passion or drive to accumulate them is greater than the passion to live for Christ, something is wrong. They know they have to commit to the church and they have to invest their money and time. They just don't want to give and instead want to have the benefits of being in the body of Christ, but don't have to invest in it--live the Christian life on someone else's quarter. My note: tithing is great, but I believe we need to do A LOT more. Give until it hurts. If it hurts to not drive a vehicle with chrome wheels, to not carry a Coach purse, to indulge in eating out, to have collection to show off, then so be it. Let it hurt and get rid of those things if you feel convicted to do so. If a base model vehicle can get you from here to there the same as a top of the line model, then go for the base model. If a plastic bag can carry your necessities as a Coach can, then get a plastic bag. Women, just kidding. You know what I mean, though. I own a Coach portfolio bag (the only one, rather than a collection of empty bags as some do) with a retail price of $498, but paid only $119 for it and have used it well for four years. But now it is just sitting empty. I should probably get rid of it in the garage sale and give that money to the church.

For what reason would we be Christians if we do not want to be passionate Christians? What's the point? I've mentioned several times before the lukewarmness of many Christians, including myself, today. The passionate Christian life is an adventure!! Daring and risky! We have the means to get around and cover a lot of ground with the Bible in our hands and speaking the Gospel to those who need it. The marginal Christian life is a pile of embers. Here are the words of Teddy Roosevelt:
The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the devotions, and spends himself or herself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and at the worst, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his or her place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat. 
Presented in the passage above, the passionate Christian life is known by obvious characteristics.
Confidence. Remember Paul wrote while in prison. There was prospect of death by execution. Death was a reality, but he faced the moment of death with confidence because to die was to fulfill his greatest pleasure and passion:
"I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far..." Philippians 1:23
Purpose. TO LIVE IS CHRIST. Jesus is the only thing that gives real purpose. The Book of Ecclesiastes is a wonderful one because it reveals the futility of life without Christ at is center. The book reflects the life of King Solomon and reveals the logical end of so many of the things that people are heedlessly pursuing. In Solomon's words, the following will show you what it is like without Christ at the center:
I thought in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good. " But that also proved to be meaningless. "Laughter," I said, "is foolish. And what does pleasure accomplish?" I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly--my mind still guiding me with wisdom. I wanted to see what was worthwhile for me to do under heaven during the few days of their lives. I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards. I made gardens and parks and planted all kinds of fruit trees in them. I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees. I bought male and female slaves and had other slaves who were born in my house. I also owned more herds and flocks than anyone in Jerusalem before me. I amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces. I acquired men and women singers, and a harem as well--the delights of the heart of man. I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. In all this my wisdom stayed with me. I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for my labor. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun. Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
 Service. Paul says:
If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith. Philippians 1:22-25.
 A passionate Christian knows well that a life lived is a life lived for the benefit of others! The greatest desire of a passionate Christian is to be in the presence of the Lord, but he is willing to deny himself that because of a motivation to serve. (I have at times wished that I could just go home to Heaven and get out of this chaotic and sinful world, but I know I have a purpose to fulfill...and so I must, willingly.) Service to the world is not drudgery, it is sheer joy! Christians work together so that we can reach the community with the Gospel. The fact that service is joy leads to...
Joy. "If you have no joy in your religion, you have a leak in your Christianity somewhere." ~Billy Sunday
Note how many times Paul mentions joy in this passage and in a prison cell, no less! He was facing execution and he is still joyful!
Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me. Philippians 1:25-26.
E. Stanley Jones said: "The Stoic bears, the Epicurean seeks to enjoy, the Buddhist and Hindu stand apart disillusioned, the Muslim submits, but only the Christian exults."
Holiness. Paul says, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." The reason so many fall into sin is because at that moment, some other desire that taken precedence of our desire for God. Soren Kirkegaard said it best: "Purity of heart is to WILL ONE THING!"
Suffering."For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him" Philippians 1:29 The world will not admire you for your passionate Christian living and the conflict this creates will be the source of your suffering. We all suffer. It is much more bearable if it is for a great cause...more than that, though, God uses our brokenness to create beautiful lives!
In conclusion, there's a short story.
The most magnificent diamond was discovered in an African mine. Presented to the king of England, it was determined that it will shine in his crown. The king sent it to Amsterdam into the hands of an expert lapidary. The lapidary cut a notch in the gem and struck a violent blow with his instrument and--lo!--the superb jewel lay in his hand cleft in two. This was not done out of recklessness and carelessness. He spent days and weeks examining the gem looking for quality, defects, lines of cleavage with minutest care. Was the blow a mistake? No! It was the ultimatum of the lapidary's skill and he brought the gem to its most perfect radiance, shapeliness, and jeweled splendor. The blow was perfect redemption when it seemed to ruin the gem, from which two perfect gems was cleft. The eyes of the lapidary saw these two perfect gems in the rough, uncut stone as it came from the mine. 
The Hope Diamond
So, sometimes God lets a stinging blow fall upon our lives. The blood spurts; the nerves wince. It hurts and the soul cries in agony. It seems to be an appalling mistake, but it is not. You are the most precious jewel in the world to God and He is the most skilled lapidary in the universe. Live your life like the most precious jewel that you are to God. Nobody wants a marred jewel. Be a PASSIONATE CHRISTIAN!!


Passion. Are you and I passionate?

A few weeks ago we celebrated Passion Week, or the passion of Christ when He gave His life for us. We celebrate the pain and blood of Jesus and we thank Him for saving us from sin. We thank God for the relationship we now can have with Him through His Son. United.
Passion of the Christ
Now, what about your passion? My passion? Our passion? Do we have passion to live for Jesus? Do we have passion to give love to others? Do we have passion to serve others? Do we have passion to care for others? Do we have passion to pray for ourselves? For our sanctification? For others? For the saving of precious souls? Do we have the passion for commitment to the life Jesus asks us to live? To fulfill our purpose? To spread God's love to others? How can we revive or get the passion we need? 

There are people GOING TO HELL. DAMNATION is going to happen. There is no gray area about this. We need revival of souls and we have a harvest of souls to reap. We are we doing about it? 

Are we still sitting in apathy? Are we getting up from our butts? Are we going out about our daily errands and routines and showing or telling others of God's love for them? Still don't understand what passion is or what a passionate person would do?

pas·sion [pash-uhn], noun

1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.

2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.
This kid is sure to show the world what he is passionate about. In his
imagination, he saves the world!
This is passion for pleasure-seeking thrills of homosexuality
This is passion for convenient murder of fetuses
This is passion for PETA (save the animals but kill babies??)
This is passion for our freedoms. Sadly, many may not recognize
 the main character in this picture.

So, you've seen examples of passion for causes and there are many more. The world has a passion for indulgences in sin. We must have a passion for the opposite. We must have a passion to be HOT, to be ON FIRE for God. Remember, in a previous post, I mentioned that Jesus will spit out the LUKEWARM. He wants nothing to do with you if you are lukewarm.

I don't want to be spat out. I want to be on fire for God. I want to show people God's love. I'm struggling with this. One reason is that I'm a little shy about approaching strangers in public. I talk to people behind counters and at cash registers only about the customer service. I have trouble sometimes having people understand me because of my slight or not so slight speech impediment, thus I keep silent unless I absolutely have to speak. Sometimes I just get enough courage to just speak to someone and it fails and I feel stupid and just quietly leave. It would be nice to have some tracts I can personally give to people. I want to set up a Prayer Station. My church, Bluffton Wesleyan Chapel, has a kit and we have used it a few times, but I have not done it with them yet.

I want passion. To be passionate. I need to ask the Lord to spark the desire for passion of reaping a ripe harvest of sinners. To reach out to others with the Gospel. To get my hands dirty helping others in need. To be exhausted because I cared for someone. I want to not be lukewarm. I want more humility.

Lukewarm doesn't do anything. Lukewarmness doesn't enhance, detract, or change. Lukewarm water doesn't refresh and lukewarm food isn't appetizing. Lukewarm lovers don't last in a relationship.

We would still be stuck in sin and tiring practices of sacrifices if God wasn't passionate in His love for us. He repeatedly answered Israel's cry and saved them from His enemies although Israel also repeatedly disobeyed God's admonition to obey His commandments. This admonition is mentioned at least 69 times in the Old and New Testaments. Obey His commandments! God sacrificially gave His Son to die on a tree for our sin. Imagine sacrificing your child. Would you do it? Would you have a passion enough for a cause to sacrifice your own child?

You see, we must be passionate as God is passionate. Think about it while I work on another post. What is it to be a passionate Christian? Only if you want to be a passionate Christian, you may look forward to and  return to read the next post.

Sorry if this post is a little jumbled. This is me jotting my thoughts down...I don't write in a book before posting. I don't like to write. I like to type, so, basically, you're reading my journal. Just not the very personal stuff. You want to know? No? I didn't think so. Til next post, very soon...


My next greatest de-stressor

You want to know what my greatest de-stressor (outside of letting God have all your problems and your whole life) is? It's no secret.

Kids. Yup. I spent five hours with these kids. They are adorable. They are playful. They climb on me. They punch me. They demand attention. They pull me in all directions. They want their turn. They cry in front of me. They want my affection. I try to help with their hurts. I don't know what they see in me, but they love me and I LOVE them. They get downright dirty. They spend hours outside. No video games. No movies. Just nature. They have goats. They have rabbits. They have cows. They have dirt in their fingernails and toenails. They take care of themselves. They use their imagination. They entertain themselves. They have wonderful parents who love them to no end.

Five kids or I should say, monkeys, on a trampoline

Excuse the video changing from landscape to portrait, one of the kids videoed us. If kids mean a lot to you, you wouldn't mind putting a crick in your neck to view this video.
These kids from the Reinhard family are in addition to other kids I enjoy having around. My nephews, my little cousins, and the students from school I volunteer at. Ever since vacation Bible school in Lesoto, Africa and my pastor shoved me out of my comfort zone, I've spent time with kids and I've learned that I can work and play with them well. Communication is hard sometimes, but the kids don't care. I have one student that will write to me so I can understand him.

I cannot help but be thankful that none of these kids I've played and worked with were not aborted. If they had been, they would never have been a part of my life and they are a HUGE part of my life. I would not have had a chance to love them. I would not have had a chance to de-stress with them, to re-prioritize, and to see life from their perspective. Their perspective is simple and honest and they have the simple faith that we so much desire as adults.

Vincent and Uncle Stanley in Gulf Shores, AL.

Easter 2012

They aren't haunted by the grim reality we adults face or the extensive knowledge that we amass in our minds. You tell children about Jesus and they simply believe. They don't question Him. They just believe and they are awed by the miracles that He did. They are easily influenced or easily forced into reality all too soon, unfortunately, in some cases. I hate that. I want to keep their minds free to imagine and free to learn at their own pace. Who cares if they can add when they are four and can do cursive when they are five? Let them be creative and imagine all they want. They'll come to you with questions, indeed, and you should always think a little bit before answering them. What they are asking may be completely opposite of what you think they are asking.

Raise them to be good men and good women. Teach them about God. Teach them the stories of the Bible. They love stories! Talk to them about everything they are doing and seeing and put God into the equation. Surely they will bind everything about their necks that you teach them about God's Word and His creation. What you teach them, they will always remember and always go by it or apply it. Let's just pray that they, when they become teenagers and then young adults, they will choose God. Let them choose. We cannot do that for them. They must do it themselves. Also, we can pray that we are doing our best. We are just mere mortals and we think we know best for them, but God is the only one. But, remember, God entrusted us with the duty of teaching our children the way they should go. We will make mistakes, we will fail them, but the children forgive. They are so forgiving. It doesn't stop there though; we must go to them and fix whatever hurt we've caused them or let them know that we have failed them at one time or another. They must know that we didn't mean to hurt them or fail them. They must know that they will someday have the same duty of teaching their children and will go through the same thing we went through raising them up. They MUST know about humility and generosity. These two are the basics of living for others and living simply and for God.

This is what I said to the kids' mother in the first photo. "I can't wait to have eight children!" She exclaimed, "Eight?!"

What? She's short only one. Surely one more couldn't be much worse.

Well, well, we'll just see about that. This mother had just been trying to create order in her seven children and trying to get them in the vehicle to make an errand and it took five minutes to do that. Such the life. But it's so rewarding. Am I willing to wear myself out raising my children or spending time with children who always need attention and to be taught? Yes.

Ok. I've said enough now. I'm ready to see some kiddos, but I will need some sleep first when I get home from work. I'm anxious to see my nephews later today.

Look for the next post. We speak of the Passion of the Christ during Passion Week, but what about the passion of the Christian? The Muslims are passionate about killing anyone who is not a Christian. Are we passionate about showing our love to others, winning souls to Christ, and being persecuted for His sake?


A Prayer for Humility

Jesus, I need you. I need you to help me to give more of myself to you. I cannot hold to anything of this world; it is all worthless. I want to build treasures in Heaven and to spend eternity with you and I ask that you transform me to be more like you! Help me and encourage me on this: My time here on earth is just a passing; I am here only to serve my purpose you have for me. What greater reward is there than to spend eternity with you? Thank you for what you have done for me though I deserve none of it. Amen.

 This is my prayer from an older post: Transformation. I wanted to write about what Jesus has done for me and through me. I wanted to write about He has done WITH me. He is constantly working with me, molding me, and working in the the intricate details like the potter with clay. Also in the post was this passage of C.S. Lewis' about transformation, the process of killing the old man:
The real Son of God is at your side. He is beginning to turn you into the same kind of thing as Himself. He is beginning...to turn the tin soldier into a live man. The part of you that does not like it is the part that is still tin...Put it right out of your head the idea that these are only fancy ways of saying that Christians are to read what Christ said and try to carry it out - as a man may read what Plato or Marx said and try to carry it out. They mean something much more than that. They mean that a real Person, Christ, here and now, in that very room where you are saying your prayers, is doing things to you...It is a living Man, still as much a man as you, and still as much God as He was when he created the world, really coming and interfering with your very self; killing the old natural self in you and replacing it with the kind of self He has.
 After reading this in a friend's post and praying the above mentioned prayer, I waited on Jesus to start this work in me. I came to realize that He had already been at work on me; it's just that I've been unyielding, just like bad clay that needs to be thrown away. But, instead of throwing the bad clay out, Jesus adds water and starts to work on it again. The water of the Word starts to soften me and I become yielding, yielding to the hands of Jesus. There is significant importance of reading His Word and it isn't just memorization, but the actual sitting down and concentrating on each word.

Before, when I would read the Bible, I would read it at random and hope that something would help. It didn't always help and the verses I read weren't of any significance to the day or circumstances at hand. No matter, it was still important to read it when I did. It was just me sitting on the fence of lukewarmness. I wanted to be a slave of God, but I didn't want to let go of the world and it's pleasures. So, I just straddled the barbed wire fence and it hurt me more than anything else, in fact, Jesus had the pleasure of spitting me out for I was worth nothing to Him. But, thank God! He still loves me despite that and He gives me a chance to yield to Him. I finally have stopped looking for myself or trying to define who I am with the things or my status in this world. I am already defined by God and there is a real name waiting for me in Heaven that defines exactly who I am. The only status God requires of me in this world is that of a lowly servant filled with humility. Even then, if I were to become a ruler of some sort, either President of the U.S. or a large company, I am still required to put on the humility of a lowly servant; it would not have been I myself, but God, that exalted me, either here on earth by status or in heaven, in my humility. The greatest (and upright) leaders are also humble servants.
But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. (Matthew 23:12 NLT)

But he gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires. As the Scriptures say, "God opposes the proud but favors the humble." (James 4:6 NLT)

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. (James 4:10 NLT)

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. (1 Peter 5:6 NLT)
Through my transformation, I ask the Lord daily to walk with me and to remind me each time I need to check myself and my reaction to circumstances and see that it is pride in play. By no means is my pride gone, nope. Not close. I still carry a bit of weight around, but it is less than when I was not in walking communion with God. I ask in my daily walk that I exercise more humility! I ask the Lord to humble me because I have exalted myself, made myself a little higher or a lot higher than others around me.

Sometimes when I think of doing good deeds or helping others in time of need or support, thoughts flash across my mind. These thoughts are sometimes of myself being exalted through my own eyes and through the eyes of others because I do these good deeds. It must not be so. Some people, including myself, are at fault for going and looking for good deeds to do so they may be exalted in the eyes of others. This is not the purpose of practicing humility, neither is it humility! It could be martyr's syndrome. I won't go into detail on that, though. The Scriptures above say to humble yourselves first, and you will be exalted. God will bring others to me and to you, He will bring opportunities to you, the Holy Spirit will nudge you to take action and help someone in need, Jesus will speak through you. Only God can and will exalt a humble man and though your exaltation may not be a rank of higher position in an earthly job, but you will be exalted to a very high position in God's eyes and in heaven. That matters more than anything else on earth and you will have respect as a humble man here on earth. I want that. I don't want a high rank at my job because I fought my way there or I thought I was better at some tasks than others. I just want to serve the company and give them what they want provided it isn't contrary to any of God's laws. If I am projected to a higher rank, so be it. I shall serve in my position with humility and serve my boss and co-workers and God will take care of the rest.

Let God deal with you. He only asks you to be humble. A question: How am I to conquer this pride? The answer is simple. Two things. Do what God says is your work: Humble yourself. Trust Him to do what He says is His work: He will exalt you. You can read the excerpt to this question by clicking the link above.

Appreciate a little humor.

So, yes, Jesus has been working with me, on me, and through me. I am a different person today and I continue to let Jesus do His work. It is taking time. I have to consciously think about God and about doing His will. I must obey Him, even when someone would ask me to do something that is against His will. It may cost. Loss or life. I know I'm for God and I will always have Him or be with Him. I have not really run into a situation like that as of yet, but I may. I know the choice I will make. I fear no loss or death. This kind of thinking needs to become a part of life, a good habit. I mustn't let negative thoughts take a dominant place in my mind. The devil loves to throw thoughts like that into my mind and I must battle them, push them aside. Sometimes I can get selfish and I feel like I just want to go Home and be done with the chaos on earth. But God put me here to finish a job, just as He did Jesus. Even Jesus wanted the cup of suffering to be taken away, but He only asked that God's will be done. God's will in Jesus' life had the higher priority.

Pride is the easiest way for the devil to tempt people and it rears an ugly face. I must keep going forward in humility, die to self and live. I am asking God to show me anything that I need to fix, any restitutions, and any walls I need to break down. I want it all fixed now, but it can't be. It takes time. I place my trust in God and continue to walk with Him.

Lord, I ask you to walk with me today and to show me where I need to go and what to do. Thy will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Only your will matters and the only requirement you have of me is to be a humble servant, filled with humility. Please continue to give me power with Jesus' blood to have victory over struggles and pride. Amen.


Four songs.

On Christ the solid Rock I stand!

My sins are all covered by the blood!

I'm too far from where I started and too close to where I'm going!

In Christ alone my hope is found!

These four phrases, among others, are playing over and over and over in my head. I can't get them out. Not that I want to, but it can be distracting sometimes! Especially at work while I'm doing step by step methods. There are times I wish I could sing! Haha. No one would want to hear me sing. I'm fine singing with the congregation at church, that's it. I listen to Pandora on my iPhone while at work. I have stations based on some artists: Chris Tomlin, DC Talk, Toby Mac, Newsboys, and Andrea Bocelli. Though I may not know or hear the words to the songs, I know I'm listening to some inspiring lyrics. My favorite stations are Toby Mac and Christ Tomlin. Toby Mac produces quite a few beats that I just have to have and Tomlin is more mellow but still with a bit of beat that seems more entertaining than the droning of Southern Gospel. Lyrics are great, but I can't stand the seeming monotony of vocals. I can't hear like you guys. 

Well, I just wanted to get this outta my system. These are the songs going through my head at the moment. Hope you can get them going through your head too and know the meaning of these lyrics as you go through each day. Each day. No dwelling on yesterday. No worrying about tomorrow. Only one day at a time. Jesus said so. He means it. He's very authoritative, you know that? Nobody else's commands matter. Only His. There's no arguing with Him. He knows best and cares about you. YOU.

Have a good day! Ta da. I'm bowing out.



I just had to write something about a moving sermon my pastor preached on Sunday night, March 25th. I have a copy of his notes and I've studied and highlighted it. I'll post a few Scriptures about sanctification before expanding on it.
19 Because of the weakness of your human nature, I am using the illustration of slavery to help you understand all this. Previously, you let yourselves be slaves to impurity and lawlessness, which led ever deeper into sin. Now you must give yourselves to be slaves to righteous living so that you will become holy. 22 But now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life. Romans 6:19, 22 NLT

1 Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God. 2 Corinthians 7:1 NLT

24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God -- truly righteous and holy. Ephesians 4:24 NLT

13 May he, as a result, make your hearts strong, blameless, and holy as you stand before God our Father when our Lord Jesus comes again with all his holy people. Amen. 1 Thessalonians 3:13 NLT

 7 God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. 1 Thessalonians 4:7 NLT

10 For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they know how. But God's discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in holiness. 14 Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. Hebrews 12:10, 14 NLT

     The above Scripture teaches us that the standard of life for the believer in Christ is holiness. Holiness by sanctification is the second work of grace where the first is when we believe on Jesus Christ and we are saved by grace through faith. The second work of grace is implied; it isn't listed as "second work of grace" anywhere in Scripture. We can also prove that it is the second work of grace because those who experience it, know it. It makes a difference to be sanctified.

It does. I know it. I know it makes a difference. I see things from a different light, through the eyes of God. The world is a nasty place. My own body is nasty. I am also but still a nasty, filthy rag in the eyes of a perfect God, but I am made perfect through the cleansing of the blood of Christ. God looks upon me through the filter of Jesus Christ and sees a perfect heart. And I relinquish control of myself to God. I don't want my own body or desires anymore. My struggles, my past, my future is all under the blood of Christ.

     Some say it isn't required to be sanctified to get to heaven. Being saved is enough. Perhaps that may be so when one is on the death bed or breathes a last breath of prayer of confession and asking forgiveness. Even the thief next to Jesus made it home to heaven with no chance of living a sanctified life. He simply believed on Jesus and who He was.

     It isn't about what is required to get to heaven, but rather about the will of God and what He calls us to do. That is what is required for us to get to heaven. When we are saved and before we are sanctified, we are to do the will of God and being sanctified, or separated from the world, is the will of God. It is the will of God for one to be saved AND sanctified. There is no getting around it, no compromise. One does not compromise with God. We may bargain with God, but we cannot compromise.

One doesn't compromise with God.

     If you have seen the sanctified life in someone else, don't you want it for yourself too? I get so tired of battling the desires of the world and the lusts of the flesh. It just wears me out. Feeling saved one day and feeling fallen the next day. Feelings are so fickle. Being saved puts you on a roller coaster. The devil plays so many tricks on you, discouraging you and pulling you in all directions, until you reach despair at times. The Holy Spirit does dwell in you, but you haven't given full control to Him. The worldly desires are still there. The lusts are still there. It's a battle after battle. At least it was for me. I wanted complete VICTORY!

     Alas! I have found the victory! I relinquish complete control to the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and God. It makes a difference! My walk with Jesus is that much easier. I'm no longer riding a roller coaster. There are a few bumps here and there and a few ups and downs, of course, but the spiritual life is more stable. The desires have changed and I want nothing of this world and more of the next. I want nothing more than to see more people won to Jesus. I want nothing more than to grow closer to God and to do the will of God. I want to be in His will. I realize that I have more work to do and I am determined to spend time in prayer and reading the Bible. I have this thing called pride. I feel that I still have it lurking around in me and it is preventing me from complete humility. I need to go to people and ask forgiveness, make amends, apologize, whatever it is that the Spirit nudges me to do but I am balking a little. Well, maybe not a little. It depends on who I have to go to. Some people, I could probably just walk up to them and just get it over with and be in the clear in my conscious, and others, it's not so easy. Why? I don't know. Pride prevents it. It's gonna need to be taken care of...I don't want to straddle my precious balls on the wire fence as shown below. It isn't without pain and Jesus Himself will spit out the lukewarm. That's painful. So, I gotta pick a side. Guess which one I pick.

     So it's all for God or not at all. It's either play with the fire of lukewarmness and get yourself hurt or use the fire in a good way and purify your life. Burn your desires for the world and what it offers. Fuel your desires for ministry and humble service for God.

I elect Jesus as Lord of me. I will answer to Him.
 *I understand that I may stumble, but God will be there to pick me up.
*I understand that I may find myself in a tempting situation, but I shall be strong.
If I do fail to be strong and I give in, I humbly ask God to forgive me and any hurting parties.
*I understand that grace flows freely, but it does not give me any excuse to sin.
*I understand that I am free from sin, not in sin. I am also free from the law.
*I understand that I am not my own, but God's. 
*I understand that He gave His creation to me and I will take care of it.
*I understand that there are many who need Him and it is my job to bring them to Him.
That, on my part, will take courage and humility. Like Jeremiah and Moses, I pray
God will work through me and speak through me. Plant the seeds.
*I understand that I am in a binding contract to fulfill my purpose here on earth and 
that His will be done here as it is in Heaven, my future home. 

*I understand that I would never have written these things a year ago and if I did, it
would have been all hot air from stifling embers.
*I understand that I am now accountable. I understand that anyone can read this
and that it is possible that I will see these people face to face. I do not want 
to fail to be an example or to fail, but it's possible. It's what grace is for
and that's where humility comes in. If I have failed, I shall ask for 
forgiveness and take hold of God's hand again. It's always there, outstretched.
*I understand that I must put in my effort to keep the fire blazing hot for God.
I DO NOT want to be spat out. 

Now, I understand that I need to close for now and go. I have had this open as a draft for a week. It's time to wrap it up!

Praise the Lord! Just in time for Easter! I can now truly, truly understand what God has done for me and what His Son gave Himself for. Me. All for me! 

Oh, and for YOU too. Isn't that wonderful? 

Come to Him.

Love you all.
