Although I am thankful for all the things we can enjoy for the glory of God, I usually come to the realization that we don't need the modern materialism we have here in America. In my opinion, it has gotten out of hand. We must be careful. Upon returning from the simple life in Africa, I came to realize that I depended on material things to keep myself satisfied, to keep me going. Always gaining, always desiring, always never happy enough with it. BUT...when I place my trust in the Lord, as Brent Vernon's 'I Place My Trust' quotes, I hold onto Jesus' name and there is nothing else I would want to hold onto.
Know Jesus, know peace. No Jesus, no peace.
When you know Jesus and you've lost everything, YOU'VE LOST NOTHING. When you don't know Jesus and you've lost everything, YOU'VE LOST EVERYTHING.
I was taught right from wrong when I grew up. I had loving parents who loved me very much and cared that I grew up knowing the Lord and writing upon my heart everything that I learned. I'm deaf, you know, and there are many, many things that I may have missed in the sermons or seminars that I've attended all my life. Knowing this, I should put every effort to find someone who may help me understand what the sermons were about or finding spritual books and studying these along with the Bible. Unfortunately, I have not put enough effort into this in my lifetime. So, I grew up knowing only what I know and what I do know very well are the holiness standards. These are what I have lived on and I have followed these for many years until I came to the realization that these are not what makes a Christian fully satisfied in the Lord. These are merely guidelines that greatly help differentiate the true Christians from the world and we should stick to them, but they should not become the 'good works' for attaining salvation. Now, I never tried to attain salvation through 'good works' for I know better than this, but I came not to depend on these standards so much that I only felt hypocritical. My greatest desires today, since turning myself completely over to the Lord, is to show what is in my heart. The salvation and love of God in my heart should flow to the outside and this is what the world sees. This is what they look for and this is what differentiates us from the world. Then, as the Lord directs my life and molds me, I shall dress and act as He wants me to. I must listen and be very careful not to confuse the whisperings of the devil and those of God's. Overall, it is in humbleness in all things I do that is very important; pride should NOT overtake me. I should not be proud of anything I do, but be humble and always ready to be corrected by God should I move outside the appropriateness of Christian living.Wow, I must have been thinking way more than I thought. For anyone who reads this, I would greatly appreciate any comments. I have put my thoughts here and would love correction if needed or more understanding. I have been in trouble for twisting the facts when I did not mean to. It is my fault for not studying as I should and for asking the Lord for a clear understanding of what I am learning when studying. It is my desire to do what is right and live a clean life before Jesus. If I'm wrong here somewhere, comment.